Tuesday, October 19

Suck it Neo

Yesterday on the sidelines of a fifth grade soccer game I was approached by a short prophet of sorts. (Otherwise known as a midfielder) He saw me from a distance and walked closer. When he was close enough he raised his head and asked "are you the one who's marrying coach martin?" I looked down and, as serious as I could, replied, "yes, I am the one."

Friday, October 15


It's been awhile.

I'm getting married next weekend so it will probably be a couple weeks before I post again. Normally I only post when I have something to say, but today I wanted to just get something out to fill the space. So here goes. What follows will be a few random things that are taking up my time these days.

1. Check out this blog, Witt and Wisdom, . . .it never ceases to make me laugh. . . .out loud.

2. I've been into The Drudge Report for awhile now.

3. Fantasy Basketball is getting underway. I need to set my lineups soon for the drafts. I'll be on the road during one so I'm leaving my fate to the yahoo gods. Do the yahoo gods require sacrifice for appeasement? If so I'm ready to sell some organs for a good roster.

4. It seems we'll be playing some Halo at my bachelor party. (As we should be.) I've been trying to sharpen up what little skills I have for the endeavor. Zammit will be everyone's nemesis for the night. Unless we're on the same CTF team. In that case he'll be my savior.

5. I moved out of my apartment. I lived there for almost two years. I haven't lived in the same place for more than a semester since high school.

6. I bought a digital camera. If you know me, you know I get a little compulsive about buying potentially expensive things. When I got engaged I could have sold diamond rings with the knowledge I had gained. And now, I think I could do alright in the camera sales dept. at Best Buy. We chose the Canon A85 because of it's megapixel rating and the kind of memory it uses. It takes 4 megapixel pictures, which is great for personal use, but still allows you to store alot of pictures. And it uses compact flash memory, which is considerably cheaper then other kinds of storage.

Friday, October 1

Debate Talk

New post at the AMRadio about the presidential debate.