Friday, December 3

56 Years

I saw 56 years of marriage end on wednesday. . .

I guess it really ended on Saturday evening. But we celebrated the life wednesday. I sat in a pew with 30 other people and heard a persuasive speech about how a woman was in a better place. I saw pictures taken before color was invented.

I barely knew this woman. In fact I’m not sure I had ever talked with her. Nevertheless, she was a part of our community.

Wednesday I saw an old man who lived a life we only read about in history books. His wife has been slowly dying for quite some time now. He was in the pictures. His glasses are as thick as his skin is tough, but his blood pressure rivals most teenagers. He talks of years that most of us only imagine.

A part of me wants my wife to pass before I do so she never has to suffer that kind of loss. . . .but like Willie sings, there’s a jealous side of me that “hopes you outlive me, so I’m never alone.”

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