Wednesday, August 25

What Kerry Supports

Here's a list of groups John Kerry supports.

The Nazi Party of America
The American Communist Party
The North American Man Boy Love Association

I mean, given his own rational he obviously supports anything he doesn't openly condemn. At least, that's what he and his crew are saying about Bush.

Bush has called for the Swift Boat ads to be stopped along with others run by independent groups, and said Kerry should be proud of his war service.

But Bush stopped short of condemning the group or its specific accusations that the Democratic presidential candidate lied about his record in Vietnam.

The Kerry letter, signed by at least seven Democratic senators who have served in the military, calls on Bush to "recognize this blatant attempt at character assassination, and publicly condemn it."

"Call on this group to cease and desist," they wrote.

Cleland said Bush "owes it to every soldier and veteran in the nation to stop condoning their smears through his silence."

I guess I'll start making my list of things I condemn, so I'm not inadvertently supporting something I don't really want to support. . . . .this will take awhile.

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