Thursday, April 1

I'm calling it.

So Adam called me today and told me about the Sean Hannity program, which in Dallas airs on AM 820. If you aren't familiar with Hannity, check out his website. Today on his show Hannity is talking about how he's turning completely around and has now decided to support John Kerry in his campaign for the presidency.

I'm calling the bluff. His show airs from 4:00 - 6:00 in Dallas, and as I write it's 4:39. I'm betting this is an April Fools prank. We'll see how it all turns out, but my moneys on the table with this one. I bet he won't even mention the joke on the air today, but he'll wait until either tonight on Hannity And Colmes, or he'll just bring it out tommorow on his radio show. Either way, it's April 1st and I'm not buying it.


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