Friday, April 16

Today I cleaned my shoes.

Yesterday I found mud on the side of a pair of nice brown shoes I wear to work. Usually they're shiny and have that squared toe that makes them look trendy. Thursday they were muddy. I didn't notice the mud until I got to work. Seeing the mud made me my breath stop, as if it were an evil thing. But it was only mud. I'm sure I must have smiled when I realized why the mud was on my nice, shiny working shoes. . . . . .

Monday afternoon I was standing in the mud wearing nice clothes and shiny brown shoes with a squared off toe. If you live in Texas, you know that Monday afternoon was rainy and colder than normal for the day after Easter. That's why it was muddy. I stood in the mud with other people wearing nice clothes, most dressier than mine. So I'm sure it was a bigger deal for them that their shoes were getting muddy. Some people sat, but on benches, not in the mud. The ones who sat were under a cover, because of the rain. There were flowers. . .lots of flowers. A few words were spoken, and with the words some people cried. I saw old men pat each others backs, just the way young boys do. . .they didn't look like tough old men today. They looked meek and weary.
When it was finished, people began to leave. The ones sitting left first, because they were to be followed. Some of the flowers were taken, and through tears people talked quietly. I was silent. I'm never good at speaking when people don't need to hear words. For what else is there to say?

Thursday I left the mud on my shoes all day while I was at work. But this morning before I left I washed it all off. I cleaned them with windex and a paper towel. The mud is gone. The square toe looks trendy and they're shiny again.

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