Friday, September 5

Oh now this is encouraging. . .

Laura Kipnis has a new book out entitled Against Love where she describes the institution of marriage as "the junk heap of human folly. It is an equal-opportunity oppressor, trapping men and women in a life of drudgery, emotional anesthesia, and a tug-of-war struggle to balance vastly different needs."

With all her talk against marriage, though, she can't seem to get past the fact that people just keep getting married. With the number of failed marriages, she considers that maybe marriage itself is a failing institution; ie. . .marriages don't fail, marriage itself is failed. She tries to explain peoples continued desire to marry by saying that "marriage is an insidious social construct, harnessed by capitalism to get us to have kids and work harder to support them." I guess God's answer to the question 'why marriage' from Genesis 2:18 wasn't satisfactory. Silly me. . .still reading some 2000 year old book.

Here's a review of her book.

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