Wednesday, November 12

What annoys me about ministry.

The thing that gets under my skin more than anything else about working in a church is the lackadaisical attitude people have towards prayer. Because I work in a church, and I'm seen as a minister of some sorts, people find it humorous to say things like "Pray for Billy, he's a wild child in school" (This just happened as chapel was dismissing today) I don't mind requests for prayer, but I believe in the power of prayer, and I think some people miss the boat on it. The phrase gets thrown around like it means nothing anymore, and also, because I'm in public ministry, people seem to think my prayers will be more effective than their own. "Oh Brandon please pray for so and so" I want to say, "Of course, but will you also?" Certainly some people are sincere about their requests, I just feel like others have a missunderstanding of the power of prayer, and what it is they're really asking when they ask for a prayer.
Hey kids, read your bibles.

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