Well here it is; my take on the whole war situation.
I guess I come at this one from several different angles. There are several key beliefs I hold that affect my view on any war or American involvement in world affairs.
1. I believe that God blesses everyone. These blessings are manifested in different ways, i.e. talents, money, gifts. . .etc.
2. God gives us blessings with the expectation that we will use His blessings in our lives to better serve others. Basically, God expects us to use what He dishes out. (Matthew 25:14-30)
3. I believe those who have are morally obligated to help those who have not. Now; this doesn't mean that since I don't have a BMW, some richie is obligated to give me one. We're talking about basic human rights here. I see no reason why a person in this country should starve to death because they can't afford food. Once again, though, if someone is simply lazy and never gives an effort of survival, it's his/her fault; no one is obligated, morally or ethically, to help those who don't have a vested interest in their own survival. aka, if you want to sit around all day while I work to feed you, that's no bueno. Get off your butt and work, and if things still can't be worked out financially, society as a whole should step in. (This is where I think programs like
Medicaid are good. There is no reason for a young child to die simply because a family couldn't afford health insurance or medical bills.)
Scenario #1
Imagine this. You're standing in Wendys waiting to order off of the glorious dollar menu. Suddenly a man behind you turns and starts spraying machine-gun fire into the restaurant. He has his back to you, and you remember you have a gun of your own in your pocket. There's no way he sees you, and you have about 3 seconds to react. What do you do?
Scenario #2
You walk into a 7-11 and notice an elderly women is about to pump her gas. On your way out you see her on the ground behind her car with a man kicking her, demanding her money. If you're a guy, lets pretend you dwarf the perp, if you're a girl, I don't know, maybe you've got some pepper spray or whatever it is ya'll carry these days. At any rate, what's your reaction? What do you do?
My take is this. If I know I can stop either of these guys from doing serious harm to innocent people, I'm gonna try and stop him. Will I get hurt in the process, maybe, but hey, the Wendy's guy already killed 8 people, and he'll kill all 26 in there if you don't do something. And the old lady isn't going to be able to defend herself, so do you simply get back in your car and drive off thinking, 'not my problem', or do you step up and do something about it? It's for these reasons that I can't fall in line with pacifist thinking. For the most part, yes, I believe peace is an attainable, better way to live, but all it takes is one person to be against peace to mess it up for all of us.
Now, with all that in mind......
Here's the thing.
I would be supportive of this effort in Iraq if only to free an oppressed people. Look at points 1 and 2. I believe America is a blessed nation. We have resources and power that are unsurpassed in today's world. Because of that, I believe we are morally obligated to help people who are living in an uncontrollable, hostile environment, when no other means of relief is possible.
Think about it, we do the same thing with an abusive household. Social services steps up and removes children from situations that are beyond their control, when no other means of relief are possible. But no one steps in those situations and says we shouldn't interfere, it's not our problem. . .everyone seems to agree.
The Iraqi people were an oppressed people. They were in constant fear of torture, abuse, and death. Don't look to Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, or another hollywood fool to find the reality, look to the people of Iraq. If we as America have the ability to help a suffering people, I feel it is a justified effort.
Throw into the mix the fact that these same oppressors were the very ones who masterminded or facilitated in attacks on American soil. Now we're talking about a different beast altogether. It's one thing to free the oppressed, but now
we have been attacked, and we're not so defenseless. We are a nation that strives for peace. And basically the message has been, 'if you're not for peace, you're against us'.
Peace takes war. Peace takes suffering. Peace takes death.
This seems contradictory, but think, as my small mind has to, on the micro level. Think back to being in Wendy's. It didn't matter how much everyone in the restaurant wanted peace, that one person screwed the deal for everyone. As long as everyone agrees on peace it'll work. Since that one person spraying machine-gun fire didn't agree to peace, something must be done. And in this case, the gunner has to die for peace to be reinstated. No one appears to be against the death of the guy killing everyone in Wendy's, but for some reason when we talk about an oppressive nation or dictatorial government that slaughters its own people, ours minds change. BUT IT'S THE SAME THING!
In just the same way that you or I would react to the machine-gun-toating burger lover, our nation has responded countless times to oppressive governments and organizations throughout history. Should we be the 'worlds police'? No, but the bottom line is that we have power, and we're trying to use it in an effective, peace-seeking manner. To come full circle. . . .we have been blessed, and we're trying to use those blessings in a way that will bless others.
And boy I just love when Toby Keith sings "We'll put a boot in your *ss it's the American way". I used to hate that line, but at this point, I'm pumped about living in a country that doesn't back down, that isn't afraid to fight back and be on the offensive every once and awhile. Will people get hurt? yes.. .will people die? yes. But remember, it's not our doing. Just like when you ran over and punched the guy beating up the old lady, knocking him out. . . .good job, however, you actually broke two of your fingers. . . . .but those fingers healed. . . and dang it felt good knowing the lady was safe.
Know what I mean?